The option for a beneficiary to elect to receive securities, units or shares under the conditions set out in article R. 132-5-7 is exercised by notifying the insurer of the option, to which is attached the notice sent by the contracting party and which includes the following information:
a) The name and address of the beneficiary ;
b) The contract reference ;
c) The date of receipt of the notice sent by the contracting party.
The following information must be included on the form notifying the insurer of the option:
I understand that I irrevocably waive the right to cash payment of the guaranteed capital or annuity expressed in units of account in the event of exercise of the beneficiary clause in application of 2° and 3° of article L. 131-1 of the Insurance Code.
I have been informed that the value of these securities, units or shares may fluctuate, both upwards and downwards, and that there is no guarantee that I will receive a cash equivalent for these securities, units or shares at a later date.
I am aware that exercising this option does not imply acceptance of the contract’s beneficiary clause.
In accordance with the provisions of 2° and 3° of article L. 131-1 of the French Insurance Code, I wish to exercise irrevocably the option to opt for this delivery of securities, units or shares.