A sub-committee of the Commission professionnelle consultative des métiers du sport et de l’animation is responsible for dealing with issues relating to the entertainment industry. It is made up of :
1° Employers:
a) One representative of the Association des maires de France (AMF);
b) One representative of the Conseil social du mouvement sportif (COSMOS);
c) Three representatives of the Conseil national des employeurs associatifs (CNEA);
d) One representative of the Syndicat national des associations employeurs de personnels des centres sociaux et socio-culturels (SNAECSO).
2° As regards employees:
Six representatives proposed by the trade unions representing the sector (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT, CGT-FO, UNSA).
Representatives of the public authorities and qualified personalities from the plenary committee take part in the work of the two sub-committees.