The certificate of qualification and aptitude for the functions mentioned in article L. 212-1 is issued by the Minister for Sport, after receiving the opinion of a qualified jury composed as follows:
1° The Director of Sports or his representative, who chairs the examination;
2° The national technical director for the discipline concerned, or, if there is no technical directorate, a technical manager appointed by the Minister for Sports;
3° A member of one of the youth and sports inspectorates appointed by the Minister for National Coordination of the three-degree state diploma for sports instructors for the sports option concerned;
4° One or more representatives of an organisation of State-qualified sports educators in the sports option concerned, or their representative;
5° One or more representatives of an employers’ organisation in the field concerned;
6° Where applicable, the director of the national establishment specialising in the sports option concerned.
The jury may ask the candidate to be present during the examination of his/her application.