The experts mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 212-10-1 are chosen by the Regional Director of Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion on the basis of their experience, skills and technical level in the field covered by the diploma in question.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Orders | BOOK II: PLAYERS IN SPORT | TITLE I: TRAINING AND EDUCATION | Chapter II: Teaching sport for remuneration | Section 1: Obligation to qualify | Subsection 2a: General provisions common to the professional certificate, the professional diploma, the State diploma and the higher State diploma in youth, popular education and sport (CPJEPS, BPJEPS, DEJEPS, DESJEPS) and their complementary certificates | Paragraph 1: The jury | Article A212-18 of the French Sports Code
The experts mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 212-10-1 are chosen by the Regional Director of Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion on the basis of their experience, skills and technical level in the field covered by the diploma in question.
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