Article A212-17 of the French Sports Code
The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion will set up a panel for each additional qualification or certificate.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Orders | BOOK II: PLAYERS IN SPORT | TITLE I: TRAINING AND EDUCATION | Chapter II: Teaching sport for remuneration | Section 1: Obligation to qualify | Subsection 2a: General provisions common to the professional certificate, the professional diploma, the State diploma and the higher State diploma in youth, popular education and sport (CPJEPS, BPJEPS, DEJEPS, DESJEPS) and their complementary certificates | Paragraph 1: The jury
The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion will set up a panel for each additional qualification or certificate.
The experts mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 212-10-1 are chosen by the Regional Director of Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion on the basis of their experience, skills and technical level in the field covered by the diploma in question.
The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion may terminate the appointment of a member of the jury if : – they are prevented from carrying out their duties ; – resignation ; – failure to comply with the jury’s ethical rules or three unexcused absences. In such cases, the Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion will appoint a new member of the jury.
By 31 December each year at the latest, the national joint employment and training committees with competence in the field of entertainment and sport propose for the following year, at the request of the Director of Sport, a list of qualified representatives of employers and employees in the professions concerned in the field of entertainment and sport. In accordance with the fifth paragraph of article R. 212-10-2, the Regional Director…
The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion may authorise the jury members mentioned in article R. 212-10-2 to use audiovisual means of communication in application of the provisions ofOrder no. 2014-1329 of 6 November 2014. Members who take part in jury meetings and deliberations via these means of communication are deemed to be present. For the latter, “remotely” is indicated opposite their name on the attendance list.
The audiovisual means of communication used for jury meetings and deliberations must guarantee the effective, continuous and real-time participation of all jury members, whether or not they are physically present, and enable them to be identified at all times.
The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion will take all necessary steps to ensure that only authorised persons have access to rooms equipped with audiovisual communication equipment when they are used by the jury, and to ensure a sufficient level of security and confidentiality of the proceedings.
Jury members who take part in meetings and deliberations by means of audiovisual communication attend the meeting in its entirety, from the opening of the session until the final decision is taken, unless there are insurmountable technical difficulties. The chairman of the jury will ensure that they are able to take part in the meeting under the same conditions as those physically present and are provided with all the information…
In application of article R. 212-10-3, certain certification tests may be organised remotely by means of audiovisual communication for the benefit of candidates who are geographically remote. The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion determines the test situation(s) for which these technical methods are used, the procedures for taking them and the candidates concerned.
The certification tests referred to in article R. 212-10-5 take place in the presence of at least two persons responsible for assessing the candidates’ skills and appointed by the Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion from among the members of the jury or the experts or assessors proposed by the training body.
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