If the Service national des métiers de l’encadrement du ski et l’alpinisme considers that there is no substantial difference, or if a substantial difference has been identified and the declarant has passed the aptitude test, the Prefect will issue the declarant with a certificate of freedom of establishment and a sports educator’s professional card or a receipt for a declaration of provision of services, which will mention the following conditions of practice:
Supervision, instruction, teaching and training in downhill skiing and related activities in application of all the classes of progression in downhill skiing and related activities defined by the Training and Employment Commission of the Higher Council for Mountain Sports, excluding unmarked glacier areas and terrain where mountaineering techniques are used, in accordance with the conditions set out in the amendedOrder of 11 April 2012 relating to the specific training for the State diploma of national ski instructor in downhill skiing. Authorisation to practise for a period of six years, renewed on completion of a refresher course.
Supervision and instruction are understood to mean, in particular, the activity of accompanying skiers on and off the slopes.