The examination tests are oral and take place in public session.
The Conseil des Maisons de Vente provides the secretariat for the jury.
The examination, the syllabus of which is set out in Appendix 3-3 to this book, comprises four examinations dealing respectively with:
1° Legal subjects, professional regulations and ethics, as well as economic and accounting subjects; the mark is assigned a coefficient of 3;
2° Knowledge of the arts and techniques, as well as the identification and appraisal of works of art; the mark is assigned a coefficient of 4;
3° The practice of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction; the mark is assigned a coefficient of 3;
4° The modern foreign language chosen by the candidate when submitting his/her application; the mark is assigned a coefficient of 1.
Each examination, with the exception of that referred to in 4°, marked out of 20, lasts twenty minutes and is preceded by twenty minutes of preparation.
The examination referred to in 4°, also marked out of 20, lasts fifteen minutes.
Scores of less than 7/20 are eliminatory.