I. – The information required under article L. 362-2 must be written in French and include the following information:
a) The name and address of the company’s registered office ;
b) A list of the lines of business which the undertaking is authorised to conduct;
c) The nature of the risks or commitments that the company proposes to underwrite or guarantee on French territory;
d) If the company proposes to cover the risks defined in class 10 of article R. 321-1, excluding carrier’s liability, a declaration of membership of the national insurance bureau mentioned in article L. 421-15 and of the Fonds national de garantie contre les accidents de circulation, as well as the name and address of the claims representative it appoints on French territory;
e) If the company proposes to cover the risks defined in class 17 of article R. 321-1, the option chosen from among those set out in article L. 322-2-3;
f) A certificate from the competent authorities of the home state of the undertaking attesting that it has the eligible own funds necessary to cover the Solvency Capital Requirement and the Minimum Capital Requirement.
II. – The undertaking may commence its activities on French territory as soon as the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution has received the information referred to in I of this article.
III. – The competent authorities of the home country of the undertaking must notify the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution in French of any proposed change in the content of any of the information referred to in I of this article.
The proposed change may be made as soon as the undertaking has been notified by the competent authorities of its home state of the notification referred to in the previous paragraph.