The cooperation, shared practice or health or medico-social coordination structures referred to in 1° of Article L. 1110-12 are as follows:
1° Regional hospital groupings ;
2° Inter-hospital medical federations;
3° When their purpose is the coordinated medical care of individuals, health cooperation groups and social and medico-social cooperation groups, as well as public interest groups and economic interest groups;
4° Health centres;
5° Private practice companies and any other legal entity associating private health professionals, where their purpose is to provide coordinated medical care for individuals;
6° Organisations set up as part of the cooperation protocols provided for in articles L. 4011-1 to L. 4011-3 ;
7° The multidisciplinary teams provided for inarticle L. 146-8 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles and the medico-social teams involved in the personalised autonomy allowance provided for in article L. 232-6 of the same code;
8° The coordination support systems mentioned in article L. 6327-2 ;
9° The specific regional schemes mentioned in article L. 6327-6.