The additional information entered in the single personnel register for each employee, as mentioned in the third paragraph of Article L. 1221-13, are as follows:
1° Nationality;
2° Date of birth;
3° Sex;
4° Job;
5° Qualifications;
6° Dates of entry into and departure from the establishment;
7° Where authorisation to hire or dismiss is required, the date of this authorisation or, failing this, the date of the application for authorisation;
8° For foreign workers subject to possession of a document authorising them to work as employees, the type and serial number of the document valid as a work permit;
9° For workers holding a fixed-term employment contract, the words “fixed-term contract”;
10° For temporary employees, the words “temporary employee” and the name and address of the temporary employment agency;
11° For workers made available by an employers’ group, the words “made available by an employers’ group” and the name and address of the employers’ group;
12° For part-time employees, the words “part-time employee”;
13° For young workers holding an apprenticeship or professionalisation contract, the words “apprentice” or “professionalisation contract”.