The issuer sends the legal entity or individual entrepreneur who finances all or part of the special payment vouchers mentioned in B of article L. 1271-1 information to be sent to the beneficiary of the voucher relating to the declaration of social security contributions and the prior obligation to declare oneself as an employer before hiring any homeworker, the model tax certificate that the company must send each year to its beneficiaries and the model slip enabling them to keep cheque-to cheque accounts.
It will send the legal entity or sole trader the model expense statement that they must provide to their customers at the end of each year.
The remuneration referred to in Article L. 1271-15-1 is collected by the issuers referred to in the same article provided that :
1° The amount and methods of calculating this remuneration are mentioned in the contract or the general and special conditions concluded at the time of affiliation between the latter and the issuer or the joint structure mentioned in article D. 1271-28 ;
2° Any change in the amount and method of calculation of this remuneration is brought to the attention of the co-contractor at least thirty days before its entry into force by any means contractually accepted by the co-contractor.
The amount and method of calculation of the remuneration may vary, in particular, according to the amount of the securities redeemed, their method of transmission or the redemption period used, or the ancillary services provided by the issuer and contractually accepted by the legal entity or sole trader providing the services paid for by special payment instruments and requesting their redemption.
Part of the remuneration may be paid to the joint structure mentioned in Article D. 1271-28.