Without prejudice to the requirement laid down in Article D. 1332-28, the temporary classification of a bathing water as being of “poor” quality is permitted, without however entailing non-compliance with this section.
The person responsible for a bathing water temporarily classified as being of “poor” quality is required to take the following measures, with effect from the bathing season following the classification:
a) Appropriate management measures, including a bathing ban or advice against bathing, to prevent bathers being exposed to pollution;
b) Identification of the causes and reasons why “sufficient” quality was not achieved;
c) Adequate measures to avoid, reduce or eliminate sources of pollution;
d) Warning the public by means of a simple and clear signal, and informing them of the causes of the pollution and the measures adopted on the basis of the bathing water profile.
Information on the measures taken as mentioned in a to d is sent to the mayor and the director general of the regional health agency by the person responsible for the bathing water.