The person responsible for the bathing water shall make available to the public by posting, during the bathing season, in an easily accessible place in the immediate vicinity of each bathing water and, where appropriate, by any other suitable means of communication, the following information, in French and possibly in other languages:
1° The classification of the bathing water established at the end of the previous bathing season and, where applicable, any advice advising against or prohibiting bathing, by means of a simple and clear sign or symbol ;
2° The results of the analyses of the last sample taken for health monitoring purposes, accompanied by their health interpretation, as soon as possible;
3° The summary document provided for in article D. 1332-21 giving a general description of the bathing water and its profile;
4° An indication, where applicable, that the bathing water is exposed to short-term pollution, the number of days on which bathing was prohibited during the previous bathing season due to short-term pollution and a warning each time short-term pollution is forecast or occurs during the current bathing season;
5° Information on the nature and expected duration of abnormal situations during such events;
6° In the event of a ban or decision to close a bathing site, a public information notice explaining the reasons for the ban or decision;
7° In the event of a ban or decision to close a bathing site for at least one entire bathing season, a public information notice explaining the reasons why the area concerned is no longer a bathing water;
8° The sources from which additional information can be obtained.