The plenary assembly of the National Health Conference brings together the members of the colleges defined in article D. 1411-37, to debate and deliberate on the draft opinions and reports submitted for adoption by the members, in a collegiate and multidisciplinary approach, as well as the persons mentioned in article D. 1411-38.
It elects its Chairman, in accordance with the procedures defined by decree.
It adopts the rules of procedure of the National Health Conference, which specify in particular the procedures for its operation, voting and relations between its various configurations.
It adopts the body’s work programme, based on ministerial referrals and self-referrals.
It adopts the list of members of the permanent working group specialising in the rights of users of the healthcare system.
It issues an opinion on the draft national health strategy and the draft laws and programmes arising from it, in particular that provided for in article 92 of Act no. 2016-41 of 26 January 2016 on the modernisation of our healthcare system.
It participates in the monitoring and evaluation of the national health strategy.
It may formulate any opinion or proposal aimed at improving the healthcare system.
It takes account of specific regional characteristics, particularly in the French overseas territories and Corsica.
It adopts the annual report on respect for the rights of users of the healthcare system, prepared by the permanent working group provided for in article D. 1411-43.
At the end of each term of office, it adopts a report on its activities, prepared jointly by the General Secretariat of the National Health Conference and the Chair of the body.
It chooses the themes that will give rise to participative initiatives, including public debates, which it helps to organise and lead in accordance with the procedures laid down in the internal regulations.
As part of the work on the national health strategy, the National Health Conference may organise debates in volunteer regions, in consultation with the regional health and autonomy conferences, the territorial health councils and the regional or inter-regional areas for ethical reflection.
All adopted texts are forwarded to the ministers to whom the Conference is attached.