The Supervisory Board meets at least twice a year, when convened by its Chairman or at the written request of one third of its members, stating the reasons for the request. It must be convened, within a maximum period of one month, when the Chairman receives a request from the majority of its members with voting rights, from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or from one of the ministers responsible for health, health insurance, the elderly or the disabled. The Board may decide to postpone discussion of all or part of this agenda to a later meeting.
The agenda, set by the Chairman, is sent by any means to all members at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
In urgent cases, this period may be shortened by the Chairman, but may not be less than one clear day.
Items whose inclusion is requested by the Chief Executive of the Regional Health Agency, a majority of the members of the Board or one of the Ministers responsible for Health, Sickness Insurance, the Elderly and the Disabled are automatically included on the agenda.