The Board of Directors comprises :
1° Six representatives of the State:
a) The Director of Sport and two other representatives of the Minister for Sport ;
b) The regional academic delegates for youth, commitment and sport for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté;
c) A representative of the Minister for Education;
2° Four representatives of the sporting movement:
a) The President of the French Ski Federation ;
b) The President of the French Mountain and Climbing Federation;
c) The President of the French Federation of Alpine and Mountain Clubs;
d) The President of the Union nationale des centres sportifs de plein air;
3° Two representatives of mountain sports professionals:
a) The president of the most representative professional organisation of ski instructors ;
b) The president of the most representative professional organisation of mountain guides;
4° Five representatives of local authorities:
a) The President of the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council ;
b) The President of the Franche-Comté Regional Council;
c) The President of the Haute-Savoie General Council;
d) The President of the Jura General Council;
e) The President of the National Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas;
5° Two qualified individuals appointed by the Minister for Sport;
6° Nine members elected in accordance with the procedures laid down by order of the Minister for Sport:
a) One representative of the teaching staff of the Ecole Nationale de Ski et d’Alpinisme ;
b) A representative of the teaching staff of the Centre national de ski nordique et de moyenne montagne; c) A representative of the administrative staff of the Centre national de ski nordique et de moyenne montagne;
c) A representative of the administrative staff of the Ecole nationale de ski et d’alpinisme ;
d) A representative of the administrative staff of the Centre national de ski nordique et de moyenne montagne;
e) A representative of the blue-collar staff and the technical and service staff of the National Ski and Mountaineering School; f) A representative of the blue-collar staff and the technical and service staff of the National Ski and Mountaineering School;
f) A representative of the blue-collar workers and technical and service staff of the National Nordic and Mid-Mountain Ski Centre;
g) A representative of the medical, research and technical staff of high-level sport;
h) A representative of the school’s trainees;
i) A representative of elite athletes.
The members mentioned from 1° to 4° above may be represented.
The members mentioned in 5° above who are unable to attend all or part of a meeting may give their proxy to another member of the Board. A Board member may not hold more than one proxy.
The members mentioned in 6° above may be represented by their alternate elected under the same conditions as the full member.
State representatives are appointed by the minister they represent.
Alternate members may only sit in the absence of full members.
An order of the Minister responsible for sports published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry responsible for sports establishes the composition of the Board of Directors as it results from this article. The Director General, the Deputy Director of the Ecole Nationale de Ski et d’Alpinisme, the Director of the Centre National de Ski Nordique et de Moyenne Montagne, the Accounting Officer and the Budget Controller attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity, as well as any person whose opinion the Chairman deems useful. The Managing Director may be accompanied by any person of his choice from the institution.