The professional trade unions of employees or employers and their unions, and the associations of employees or employers mentioned in article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of article D. 2135-9 are equal to or greater than 230,000 euros at the close of a financial year shall publish their accounts and the auditor’s report on the website of the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information. To this end, within three months of the approval of the accounts by the statutory governing body, they must send the balance sheet, profit and loss account, notes to the accounts and the auditor’s report electronically to the Legal and Administrative Information Directorate. An order of the Prime Minister sets the terms and conditions for this transmission.
These documents are published electronically by the Direction de l’Information Légale et Administrative, under conditions that guarantee their authenticity and free accessibility.
This service gives rise to remuneration for services rendered under the conditions laid down by decree no. 2005-1073 of 31 August 2005 relating to remuneration for services rendered by the Legal and Administrative Information Directorate.