The solicitation of a consumer by telephone for the purposes of commercial canvassing, including that referred to in article L. 223-5, is authorised on the one hand only from Monday to Friday, except when these days are public holidays pursuant to article L. 3133-1 of the Labour Code, and on the other hand only from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., these times corresponding to those of the consumer’s time zone.
However, the trader or a person acting on his behalf may canvass a consumer by telephone outside these days and times if he has obtained the consumer’s express prior consent and can establish this.
The same trader is prohibited, directly or through a third party acting on his behalf, from canvassing or attempting to canvass the same consumer by telephone more than four times in any period of thirty calendar days. However, where the consumer refuses such canvassing during the conversation, the trader shall refrain from contacting him or attempting to contact him by telephone before the expiry of a period of sixty completed calendar days from such refusal.