The secure space mentioned in Article D. 224-26 includes functionalities enabling the consumer to ask the supplier to transmit to the distribution system operator his requests, which may be at his choice:
1° With regard to the electricity load curve:
a) To stop it being recorded by the metering device;
b) To delete the data recorded in this device;
c) To collect it or to stop collecting it;
d) To change the measurement time interval;
e) To delete the data collected ;
2° To modify, where applicable, the operating mode of the meter device allowing local access to the consumption data it collects;
3° To transmit or cease to transmit to the supplier, the following data:
a) The daily meter readings taken remotely and the daily consumption measured, in the case of electricity, in kilowatt-hours and, in the case of natural gas, both in m 3 and in kilowatt-hours with an indication of the conversion coefficient applied;
b) The maximum electrical power withdrawn daily in kilovoltamperes;
c) The electricity load curve if its collection has been requested by the consumer.
The provisions of 3° apply to data relating to energy consumption concerning at least the last twenty-four months or the period elapsed since the start of the supply contract where this is shorter.
The supplier shall acknowledge receipt of the requests provided for in this article on a durable medium.