The list of diseases that justify urgent local, national or international intervention and give rise to the alerts mentioned in article R. 3113-3 is as follows:
1° Infectious diseases :
1. Botulism;
2. Brucellosis;
3. Anthrax;
4. Chikungunya;
5. Cholera;
6. Dengue fever;
7. Diphtheria;
8. African haemorrhagic fevers;
9. Yellow fever;
10. Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers;
11. Acute hepatitis A;
12. Tick-borne encephalitis virus infection;
13. West Nile virus infection;
14. Invasive meningococcal infection;
15. Legionellosis;
16. Leptospirosis;
17. Listeriosis;
18. Orthopox viruses, including smallpox;
19. Native malaria;
20. Imported malaria in overseas departments;
21. Plague;
22. Poliomyelitis;
23. Rabies;
24. Measles;
25. Rubella;
26. Native urogenital schistosomiasis;
27. Suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies;
28. Collective food poisoning;
29. Tuberculosis;
30. Tularemia;
31. Exanthematic typhus;
32. Zika ;
2° Other diseases :
1. Lead poisoning in minors.