The insurance contracts referred to in article L. 321-4-1 include at least :
a) “Death” cover with a minimum limit of 20,000 euros;
b) “Invalidity risk” cover comprising a capital sum of 30,000 euros for total invalidity, which may be reduced according to the degree of invalidity after application of a 6% excess;
c) “Health capital” cover, including reimbursement of medical treatment up to 150% of the social security liability rate, after deduction of any benefits under a provident scheme, subject to the limit of actual costs;
d) “Dental expenses” cover of 300 euros per tooth and per claim and per year;
e) “Optical expenses” cover of 300 euros per claim and per year;
f) Repatriation cover, including transport either to the usual place of residence or to the nearest appropriate hospital in France.