For the application of article D. 351-6:
1° Are replaced by locally applicable provisions having the same effect:
a) The references to the Labour Code;
b) The references to the agreement of 10 June 2011 on vocational training, concluded within the framework of the national collective agreement for the banking industry;
c) The references to a diploma attesting to a course of higher education of training level III relating to matters of finance, banking, management, economics, law, or insurance, or to a business diploma attesting to a course of higher education of training level I ;
d) References to the répertoire national des certifications professionnelles;
e) References to a national diploma attesting to a first cycle of higher legal, economic, financial or management studies, at training level III;
2° For the application of Article D. 314-26, the references to the issue of a booklet signed by the persons with whom the training was followed and including the results of the skills test as an appendix are deleted;
3° For the application of Article D. 314-27 :
a) The words: “in particular under Articles L. 312-18 to L. 312-27; L. 312-50 to L. 312-54 and L. 312-62” and the words: “, in particular under Articles L. 312-31 to L. 312-40 and Articles L. 312-68 to L. 312-83” are deleted;
b) 3° is replaced by the following provisions:
3° The knowledge and care to be taken and the explanations to be provided to ensure that the borrower is properly informed, in particular the explanations to be provided to the borrower to enable him to understand the essential characteristics of the proposed credit and the consequences that the credit may have on his financial situation and to warn him of the consequences of a possible default on payment.