When the Regional Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity notes that the operating conditions of the occupational health and prevention service do not comply with the requirements of this Title, and in particular those of the national specifications for approval, he may, after obtaining the opinion of the occupational health inspector:
1° In the event of an application for approval or renewal, issue an approval for a maximum period of two years, non-renewable, subject to a precise and dated undertaking by the occupational health and prevention service to bring itself into compliance. If, at the end of this period, the occupational health and prevention service meets its obligations, it is granted approval for a period of five years;
2° During the approval period:
a) Either terminate the approval;
b) Or reduce the approval period.
The measures provided for in 2° may only be implemented after the occupational health and safety service has been asked to bring itself into line with the requirements of this Title, and in particular those of the national specifications, by any means that will enable this request to be dated with certainty, within a period set by the Regional Director, subject to a limit of six months if the service has not taken the necessary steps within this period.
The president of the occupational health and prevention service will inform each member company as soon as he receives notification of the decision to reduce the duration of approval or to withdraw it.