For the duration of the work experience period, the beneficiary must comply with the internal rules of the host structure and the health and safety measures specific to the activities set out in the agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter V: Periods of work experience in a professional environment | Article D5135-4 of the French Labour Code
For the duration of the work experience period, the beneficiary must comply with the internal rules of the host structure and the health and safety measures specific to the activities set out in the agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2.
Pendant la durée de la période de mise en situation en milieu professionnel, le bénéficiaire observe le règlement intérieur de la structure d’accueil et les mesures en matière d’hygiène et de sécurité propres aux activités prévues par la convention mentionnée à l’article D. 5135-2.
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