I.-The minimum period required to acquire 240 euros on the personal training account corresponds to :
1° For civic service, a period of six continuous months ;
2° For the operational military reserve, ninety days of completed activities;
3° For the civic defence and security reserve, a continuous period of five years’ commitment;
4° For the communal civil security reserve, a period of commitment of five years;
5° For the health reserve, a period of employment of thirty days;
6° For the activity of apprenticeship master, a period of six months, regardless of the number of apprentices supervised;
7° For voluntary work in associations, 200 hours in one or more associations, including at least 100 hours in a single association;
8° For the national education citizens’ reserve, a continuous period of commitment of one year, giving rise to at least twenty-five interventions;
9° For volunteer firefighters, a signed five-year commitment;
10° For reservists in the national police civilian reserve mentioned in 2° and 3° of article L. 411-7 of the Internal Security Code, a continuous period of commitment of three years, giving rise to seventy-five shifts per year;
11° For the national police citizens’ reserve, a continuous period of three years’ commitment, giving rise to three hundred and fifty hours of service per year;
12° For the civic reserve and its thematic reserves, with the exception of those mentioned in 3°, 4°, 8° and 11°, an annual period of activity of at least two hundred hours, carried out in one or more host organisations, including at least one hundred hours in the same organisation.
II – For the activities mentioned in 2°, 5°, 7° and 12° of I, the duration is assessed over the past calendar year. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the end of this calendar year.
For the activities mentioned in 1°, 6° and 8° of I, the duration is assessed over the past calendar year and the previous year. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the end of the previous calendar year.
For the activities mentioned in 4° of I, the duration is assessed on the basis of the contract of engagement signed by the reservist. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the end of the calendar year during which the contract of engagement was signed.
For the activity mentioned in 9°, the duration is assessed in the light of the signature of the volunteer firefighter’s commitment. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the end of the calendar year during which the appointment order was notified to the volunteer fire fighter.
For the activities mentioned in 3° of I, the duration is assessed at the end of a continuous period of five years of commitment. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the beginning of the following calendar year.
For the activities mentioned in 10° and 11° of I, the duration is assessed at the end of a continuous period of three years of commitment which has given rise to seventy-five shifts per year and three hundred and fifty hours per year respectively. The declaration to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations is made at the beginning of the following calendar year.
III – The amount of rights acquired under the Citizen Commitment Account may not exceed the ceiling of 720 euros.