Article D5151-11 of the French Labour Code
The rights acquired in respect of civic commitment are mobilised after use of the rights registered on the personal training account, subject to the provisions of 5° of II of article L. 6323-6.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title V: Personal activity account | Single chapter | Section 2: Citizen Commitment Account
The rights acquired in respect of civic commitment are mobilised after use of the rights registered on the personal training account, subject to the provisions of 5° of II of article L. 6323-6.
The action financed in whole or in part by the rights acquired under the citizen commitment account is paid for under the conditions defined by Chapter III of Title II of Book III of Part Six of this Code. When the holder of the civic commitment account does not fall into one of the situations mentioned in 1° to 3° of article L. 5151-2, a body designated by order of…
When, in application of article L. 5151-11, several legal entities finance the rights mobilised in respect of civic commitment, they pay their financing to the body that provides the coverage in order of the date of declaration of the activities that opened up these rights to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations. The Caisse des dépôts et consignations sends the necessary information to the legal entities mentioned in article L….
I.-The minimum period required to acquire 240 euros on the personal training account corresponds to : 1° For civic service, a period of six continuous months ; 2° For the operational military reserve, ninety days of completed activities; 3° For the civic defence and security reserve, a continuous period of five years’ commitment; 4° For the communal civil security reserve, a period of commitment of five years; 5° For the…
The holder of the personal activity account wishing to acquire rights registered on his personal training account in respect of the activities mentioned in 3° of article L. 5151-9, with the exception of the thematic civic reservists mentioned in 3°, 4°, 8° and 11° of article D. 5151-14, declare to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, by 30 June each year at the latest, the number of hours they have…
Any holder of a personal activity account wishing to acquire rights registered on their personal training account in respect of the activities mentioned in 6° of article L. 5151-9 must declare to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, by 30 June each year at the latest, the number of hours they have worked during the previous calendar year as a volunteer sitting on the association’s administrative or management body or…
The accuracy of the data contained in the declaration referred to in article R. 5151-16 is certified to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations by one of the persons responsible for the administration or management of the association no later than 31 December of the year during which the declaration was made.
Activities for which a declaration or certificate is issued after the dates stipulated in articles R. 5151-16 and R. 5151-17 are not taken into account when calculating the period of activity required to acquire the rights recorded on the personal training account referred to in article L. 5151-10.
A national teleservice called “Le Compte Bénévole” (Volunteer Account), under the responsibility of the ministry in charge of associations, enables the declaration provided for in article R. 5151-16 and its transmission to one of the persons responsible for the administration or management of the association for certification of the accuracy of the data provided for in article R. 5151-17. A national teleservice called “Le Compte Asso”, placed under the responsibility…
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