The bodies responsible for collecting unemployment insurance contributions, mentioned in article L. 5427-1, may transmit to the employer or its third party declarant within the meaning ofarticle L. 133-11 of the Social Security Code, at its request, the list of terminations of employment contracts and secondment contracts mentioned in 1° of article L. 1251-1 of the present code of persons registered on the list of jobseekers referred to in Article L. 5411-1 of the same code and whose termination of contract is attributable to the aforementioned employer under the conditions laid down in the agreements referred to in Article L. 5422-20 of the same code.
To this end, the aforementioned bodies provide a teleservice enabling the submission and processing of requests for communication sent by the employer, or its third party declarant, of the data mentioned in the previous paragraph. The employer or its third-party declarant sends its request by electronic means via this teleservice.
If the employer or his third party declarant indicates to the bodies mentioned in the first paragraph that he is unable to use the teleservice, he may send his request to these bodies by any other means.