The part of the salary exceeding the amount corresponding to the salary limit for calculating social security contributions plus 20% is not taken into account in determining the basis for calculating the indemnity.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter IV: Special schemes | Section 2: Building and public works companies out of work due to bad weather. | Subsection 4: Calculation of compensation. | Article D5424-16 of the French Labour Code
The part of the salary exceeding the amount corresponding to the salary limit for calculating social security contributions plus 20% is not taken into account in determining the basis for calculating the indemnity.
La partie du salaire dépassant la somme correspondant au salaire limite prévu pour le calcul des cotisations de sécurité sociale majoré de 20 % n’est pas prise en compte pour la fixation de la base de calcul de l’indemnité.
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