I. – The professionalisation and solidarity allowance is allocated in accordance with the rules defined by the annexes to the general regulations appended to the agreement relating to unemployment compensation and applicable to performing artists and to workers and technicians in sound recording, film and audiovisual production, radio, broadcasting and performing arts mentioned in Article L. 5424-21, under the conditions defined in this Article and in Articles D. 5424-51-1 and D. 5424-52.
II. – A worker involuntarily deprived of employment who :
1° Does not meet the conditions for benefiting from the catch-up clause provided for in the annexes mentioned in I ;
2° Has worked 507 hours during the twelve months preceding the end of the employment contract immediately prior to the anniversary date specified in the annexes mentioned in I or the date on which the application for the insurance allowance is submitted.
III. – A worker involuntarily deprived of employment who has worked 507 hours during the eighteen months preceding the end date of the compensation period opened under the catch-up clause provided for in the annexes mentioned in I is also entitled to the professionalisation and solidarity allowance.
IV. – In addition to the periods mentioned in the annexes referred to in I, the following are taken into account in determining the condition of previous activity:
1° Sick leave of three months or more. These periods are treated as hours worked at a rate of five hours per day of leave;
2° Hours taken into account for the purposes of the catch-up clause provided for in the annexes mentioned in I ;
3° Up to a limit of 120 hours, the hours of teaching provided in teaching or training establishments in which the persons concerned are involved in their profession in order to pass on their skills. The list of these establishments is set by order of the Minister for Employment. These hours of teaching reduce proportionately the number of hours of training that can be assimilated in accordance with the aforementioned appendices.