Payment of the end-of-rights allowance will cease definitively for the same entitlement if the beneficiary can prove that he/she meets the conditions for entitlement to unemployment insurance benefit or vocational training and solidarity allowance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter IV: Special schemes | Section 3: Professions in film, audiovisual or entertainment production. | Subsection 1: Allocation de professionnalisation et de solidarité et allocation de fin de droits. | Article D5424-61 of the French Labour Code
Payment of the end-of-rights allowance will cease definitively for the same entitlement if the beneficiary can prove that he/she meets the conditions for entitlement to unemployment insurance benefit or vocational training and solidarity allowance.
Le versement de l’allocation de fin de droits cesse définitivement au titre de la même ouverture de droits dès lors que l’allocataire justifie des conditions d’attribution de l’allocation d’assurance chômage ou de l’allocation de professionnalisation et de solidarité.
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