I.-France Compétences will pay the funds allocated by the Fonds d’Investissement dans la Prévention de l’Usure Professionnelle (Investment Fund for the Prevention of Professional Wear and Tear) to the regional cross-industry joint committees in application of 5° of Article L. 6123-5 of the Labour Code on the basis of regional statistics on accidents at work and occupational illnesses resulting in at least twenty-four hours’ absence from work, permanent disability or death within the meaning of Articles L. 411-1, L. 411-2 and L. 461-1 of the Social Security Code, the wage bill of establishments by region and the rate of consumption of the allocation paid in respect of the previous year.
The methods of distribution and the timetable for payment of the allocations are set by decision of the France Compétences Board of Directors. Credits not committed during the financial year are paid back to France Compétences, which returns them to the Fonds d’Investissement dans la Prévention de l’Usage Professionnelle, in accordance witharticle R. 251-6-4 of the Social Security Code.
II.France Compétences pays the allocation for the financing of retraining projects financed by the Compte Professionnel de Prévention (Professional Prevention Account), in accordance with 4° of I of Article L. 4163-7, to the regional joint inter-professional committees on the basis of regional statistics on accidents at work and occupational illnesses resulting in at least twenty-four hours’ absence from work, permanent disability or death within the meaning of Articles L. 411-1, L. 411-2 and L. 461-1 of the Social Security Code, the payroll of establishments by region and, where applicable, additional requests from the regional cross-industry joint committees.
The methods of distribution and the timetable for payment of the allocations, any feedback from them and any additional requests from the regional joint cross-industry committees are set by decision of the France Compétences Board of Directors.