Pôle emploi may, on behalf of the managing body of the unemployment insurance scheme through the intermediary of skills operators, pay the costs of professionalisation contracts for jobseekers aged 26 and over.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title III: Financing of continuing vocational training | Chapter II: Skills providers | Section 4: Payment by the skills operator for the professionalisation actions referred to in Articles L. 6332-14 to L. 6332-16-1 | Subsection 2: Coverage of professionalisation contracts | Article D6332-87 of the French Labour Code
Pôle emploi may, on behalf of the managing body of the unemployment insurance scheme through the intermediary of skills operators, pay the costs of professionalisation contracts for jobseekers aged 26 and over.
Pôle emploi peut prendre en charge, pour le compte de l’organisme gestionnaire du régime d’assurance chômage par l’intermédiaire des opérateurs de compétences les dépenses afférentes aux contrats de professionnalisation des demandeurs d’emploi âgés de vingt-six ans et plus.
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