Given the requirements of the public education service, the weekly service of staff belonging to teaching bodies or job categories who benefit from a credit of hours in accordance with article L. 7226-9 is subject to adjustment at the beginning of the school year.
The duration of the credited hours is divided between the service time spent in the presence of pupils for which they are statutorily responsible and the additional service time for which they are liable pursuant to the article 1 of decree no. 2000-815 of 25 August 2000 relating to the organisation and reduction of working time in the State civil service or, when they are part of the local civil service, in application of article 1 of decree no. 2001-623 du 12 juillet 2001 pris pour l’application de l’article 7-1 de la loi n° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984 et relatif à l’aménagement et à la réduction du temps de travail dans la fonction publique territoriale.
The part of the credit hours that can be deducted from the service time spent in the presence of pupils is obtained by weighting the credit hours by the ratio between the length of service time spent in the presence of pupils and the length set in article 1 of the aforementioned decree of 25 August 2000 or, where applicable, in article 1 of the aforementioned decree of 12 July 2001.