I.-When the electronic matchmaking platform requests approval of the charter, it refers the matter to the Director General of Labour.
The application is made electronically on the website ( https :// demarches-simplifiees. fr).
A receipt is issued to the platform.
II – The application for approval is accompanied by documents certifying:
1° The result of the consultation of employees provided for in article L. 7342-9;
2° The number of employees consulted;
3° The number of employees who expressed their opinion;
4° The procedures for organising and carrying out the consultation.
The platform attaches the general conditions of use and a standard model commercial contract, as well as any useful document to specify the nature of the commitments included in the charter submitted for approval.
III – The Director General of Labour will ensure that :
1° That the charter is complete with regard to the provisions of article L. 7342-9;
2° That the charter complies with the framework of social responsibility incumbent on the platform with regard to its employees.
IV -The Director General of Labour notifies the platform of the decision to approve or reject the charter in accordance with the conditions set out in Article L. 7342-9.