The premium is payable in cash at the domicile of the insurer or the agent appointed by the insurer for this purpose. However, the premium may be payable at the insured’s domicile or at any other agreed place in the cases and under the conditions set out exhaustively by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
In the event of non-payment of a premium, or a fraction thereof, within ten days of its due date, and irrespective of the insurer’s right to take legal action to enforce the contract, cover may not be suspended until thirty days after formal notice has been given to the insured. If the annual premium has been divided into instalments, the suspension of cover in the event of non-payment of one of the instalments will have effect until the end of the annual period in question. In all cases, the premium or fraction of the premium is payable after formal notice has been given to the insured.
The insurer has the right to cancel the contract ten days after expiry of the thirty-day period referred to in the second paragraph of this article.
A contract which has not been cancelled shall resume its effects for the future, at noon on the day following the day on which the insurer or the agent appointed by the insurer for this purpose has received payment of the outstanding premium or, if the annual premium is split into instalments, the instalments of the premium which were the subject of the formal notice and those which fell due during the period of suspension, as well as any legal proceedings and collection costs.
When enrolment in the contract is the result of an obligation provided for by a branch agreement or a professional or interprofessional agreement, the insurer may not make use of the provisions of this article relating to suspension of cover and cancellation of the contract.
The provisions of the second to penultimate paragraphs of this article do not apply to life insurance.