Subject to the provisions of Article L. 122-6-1, the exploitation right belonging to the author of software includes the right to perform and authorise:
1° The permanent or temporary reproduction of software in whole or in part by any means and in any form. Insofar as the loading, display, execution, transmission or storage of this software requires reproduction, these acts are only possible with the authorisation of the author;
2° The translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other modification of software and the reproduction of the resulting software;
3° The placing on the market for consideration or free of charge, including rental, of the copy or copies of software by any process. However, the first sale of a copy of software in the territory of a Member State of the European Community or of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area by the author or with his consent exhausts the right to market that copy in all Member States with the exception of the right to authorise the subsequent rental of a copy.