The secondment contract drawn up for each employee shall include :
1° The reason for using the temporary employee. This statement must be accompanied by precise justification, including, in particular, in the case of replacements as provided for in 1°, 4° and 5° of article L. 1251-6, the name and qualifications of the person being replaced or to be replaced;
2° The term of the assignment;
3° Where applicable, the clause providing for the possibility of changing the term of the assignment under the conditions set out in Articles L. 1251-30 and L. 1251-31. This provision also applies to the amendment providing for the renewal of the secondment contract;
4° The particular characteristics of the job to be filled and, in particular, if it is on the list of jobs presenting particular risks for the health or safety of employees provided for in Article L. 4154-2, the professional qualifications required, the location of the assignment and the working hours;
5° The type of personal protective equipment used by the employee. It specifies, where applicable, whether this equipment is supplied by the temporary employment undertaking;
6° The amount of remuneration with its various components, including, if applicable, bonuses and additional remuneration that would be received in the user company, after the trial period, by an employee with equivalent professional qualifications occupying the same position.