Without prejudice to article L. 1262-3 and section 2 of this chapter, employers seconding one or more employees under the conditions set out in 1° and 2° of article L. 1262-1 for short-term services and operations or in the context of one-off events and whose seconded employees carry out one of the activities listed by order of the Minister responsible for labour are exempt from the obligations set out in I and II of article L. 1262-2-1.
The order mentioned in the first paragraph of this article specifies, for each activity identified, the maximum duration of activity in France over a reference period.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine, where applicable, the adaptations from which the employers mentioned in the same first paragraph benefit for the application of article L. 1263-7, in particular the nature of the documents that must be translated into French and the procedures for keeping them on national territory.