The Agency makes available to the Minister for Health, the health agencies and the National Health Conference the information and data resulting from the observation and monitoring of the health of populations, necessary for the development and management of health policy. It also makes available to other ministers, under the same conditions, any such information and data that concerns them.
When the transmission of information or data is essential to the members of the national public health network in order to assist the Agency in the performance of its duties mentioned in 1°, 2° and 6° of Article L. 1413-1, the natural or legal persons concerned who are required to transmit information to the Agency on the basis of Articles L. 1413-7 or L. 1413-8 shall forward this information or data to the members of the network designated by the Agency’s Director General, in accordance with the procedures defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat and under the conditions laid down by the Act of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and civil liberties.