A decree in the Council of State, issued after consultation with the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés :
1° Designates the bodies responsible for managing the actual provision of data from the national health data system and determines their respective responsibilities;
2° Lists the categories of data collected within the national health data system and the procedures for supplying the national health data system, including by complementary health insurance bodies;
3° Fixes, within the limits laid down in III of Article L. 1461-3, the list of services, establishments or organisations benefiting from the authorisation referred to in the same III;
4° Determines the conditions for the designation and authorisation of persons authorised to access the national health data system;
5° Determines the conditions under which the bodies mentioned in 1° of this article guarantee any person who so requests, in application of article 74 of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, that their personal health data will not be made available within the scope of 1° of I of article L. 1461-3 of this code;
6° Defines the categories of data controllers of the national health data system and the data controllers and sets out their respective roles;
7° Specifies the terms and conditions for the application of 6° of I of Article L. 1461-1.