I.-The approval provided for in 1° and 2° of article L. 212-23 is issued by the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée on the basis of the compliance of programming commitments with the purpose defined in article L. 212-22. Account is taken of the subscriber’s position in the catchment area(s) in which it operates.
Programming commitments approved by the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée are published.
II – Exhibitors mentioned in 2° of article L. 212-23 whose activity is likely to hinder free competition and the widest possible dissemination of works, due to their size on the national market or the number of cinemas in an establishment they operate, are required to sign up and have their programming commitments approved.
III – The programming projects mentioned in 3° of article L. 212-23 are notified to the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.