In the cases provided for in article L. 217-14, the consumer informs the seller of his decision to cancel the contract. The consumer returns the goods to the seller at the latter’s expense. The seller shall reimburse the consumer for the price paid and return any other benefits received under the contract.
If the lack of conformity relates only to certain goods supplied under the contract of sale, the consumer shall have the right to rescind the contract in respect of all the goods, even those not covered by this chapter, if he cannot reasonably be expected to agree to keep only those goods which are in conformity.
For contracts mentioned in II of article L. 217-1, providing for the sale of goods and, as an accessory, the supply of services not covered by this chapter, the consumer has the right to rescind the entire contract. In addition, in the case of a bundled offer within the meaning of article L. 224-42-2, the consumer has the right to rescind all related contracts.
The respective obligations of the parties to the contract, mentioned in article L. 224-25-22 and relating to the consequences of rescission for digital content and digital services, are applicable to the rescission of a contract for the sale of goods containing digital elements.