I.-Press publication within the meaning of this chapter means a collection composed mainly of literary works of a journalistic nature, which may also include other protected works or objects, in particular photographs or videograms, and which constitutes a unit within a periodical or regularly updated publication bearing a single title, with the aim of providing the public with information on current events or other published subjects, on any medium, on the initiative, under the editorial responsibility and under the control of press publishers or a press agency.
Periodicals published for scientific or academic purposes, such as scientific journals, are not covered by this definition.
II.For the purposes of this chapter, “press agency” means any undertaking referred to in article 1 of order no. 45-2646 of 2 November 1945 regulating press agencies whose main activity is the collection, processing and editing, under its own responsibility, of journalistic content.
III -Press publisher within the meaning of this chapter means any natural or legal person who publishes a press publication or an online press service within the meaning of law no. 86-897 of 1st August 1986 reforming the legal status of the press.
IV.-This chapter applies to press publishers and press agencies established in the territory of a Member State of the European Union.