The trader may not receive any payment or consideration, in any form whatsoever, from the consumer before the expiry of a period of seven days from the conclusion of the off-premises contract.
However, the following are not subject to the provisions of the first paragraph:
1° Home subscriptions to daily publications and similar publications within the meaning of the article 39 bis du code général des impôts;
2° Successive performance contracts, concluded under the conditions provided for in this chapter and offered by an approved body or under a decision by the administrative authority, the purpose of which is to provide the services mentioned in article L. 7231-1 du code du travail;
3° Contracts concluded during meetings organised by the vendor at his home or at the home of a consumer who has expressly agreed in advance to the transaction taking place at his home;
> 4° Contracts concerning the sale of goods and services by the vendor at his home or at the home of a consumer who has expressly agreed in advance to the transaction taking place at his home
4° Contracts for maintenance or repair work to be carried out urgently at the consumer’s home and expressly requested by the consumer, within the limits of the spare parts and work strictly necessary to respond to the emergency.
For contracts referred to in 1° and 2°, the seller must provide the consumer with the spare parts and work strictly necessary to respond to the emergency.
For the contracts mentioned in 1° and 2°, the consumer has the right to cancel the contract at any time and without notice, costs or compensation and the right to reimbursement, within fifteen days, of sums paid pro rata for the remaining term of the contract.