The administrative authority may, after consulting the works council or, failing that, the staff representatives, enter into an agreement with a public or private company designed to facilitate the employment of a high-level sportsperson, referee or judge and his or her professional retraining. The purpose of this agreement is also to define the rights and obligations of the athlete, referee or judge with regard to the company, to ensure that the conditions of employment are compatible with his or her training and participation in sporting competitions and to encourage his or her training and professional advancement. It also specifies the training conditions for the athlete, referee or judge as well as the conditions for redeployment on expiry of the agreement.
The works council or, in its absence, the employee representatives are informed of the conditions of application of the agreement. They are involved in monitoring its implementation and contribute to the integration of the athlete, referee or judge within the company.
The contractual relationship between the company and the athlete, referee or judge takes the form of :
1° Either an employment contract ;
2° A contract for the provision of services, a contract for the transfer of image rights or a sponsorship contract excluding any relationship of subordination, incorporating a training or professional integration project for the athlete, referee or judge.