Articles L. 222-2-1 to L. 222-2-8 apply to:
1° Salaried professional athletes, defined as any person whose remunerated activity is the pursuit of a sporting activity in a legally subordinate relationship with a sports association or a company mentioned in articles L. 122-2 and L. 122-12 ;
2° A salaried professional trainer, defined as any person whose main remunerated activity is to prepare and supervise the sporting activity of one or more salaried professional sportsmen and sportswomen in a relationship of legal subordination with a sports association or a company mentioned in Articles L. 122-2 and L. 122-12 and who holds a diploma, a professional qualification or a certificate of qualification provided for in Article L. 212-1.
A national collective agreement or convention determines the criteria on the basis of which the activity of the salaried professional trainer is considered to be his main activity.