The suspension provided for in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 shall take effect on the date of the decision of the Sanction Commission or of the agreement provided for in article L. 232-21, except where b of IV of article L. 232-23-3-10 is applied.
Where the person concerned is currently serving a suspension for an anti-doping violation, any new period of suspension shall take effect on the first day following the end of the current period of suspension.
In the event of significant delays in the hearing process or other phases of doping control, where the athlete or other person can establish that such delays are not attributable to him or her, the period of Ineligibility may take effect on a date earlier than the date of the Sanction Committee’s decision or the agreement provided for in article L. 232-21, up to and including the date of Sample collection or the last anti-doping rule violation committed.