In addition to the information set out in Article L. 236-10, the report of the merger auditor(s) shall also indicate:
1° The method(s) used to determine the amount of the buyout offer contemplated under Article L. 236-40;
2° The appropriateness of the method(s) referred to in 1° and the values arrived at by each of these methods, with an opinion being given on the relative importance given to these methods in determining the value adopted and, if different methods are used in the merging companies, the justification for using different methods;
3° Any special valuation problems that may have arisen.
In assessing the amount of the buyout offer, the merger commissioner(s) shall take into consideration the market price of the shares in the company(ies) participating in the transactions prior to the announcement of the proposed merger or the value of the company(ies) without taking into account the effect of the proposed merger, determined in accordance with generally accepted valuation methods.