For contracts taken out by a person subject to compulsory insurance by virtue of this title, and without prejudice to the possibilities of cancellation mentioned in articles L. 113-3, L. 113-4, L. 113-6 and L. 113-9, in the event of cancellation or denunciation of tacit renewal at the insurer’s initiative, under the conditions stipulated in the policy, the period from the date of notification to the insured may not be less than three months.
The insured is obliged to pay the part of the premium corresponding to the period during which the risk has accrued, calculated up to the effective date of cancellation. Where applicable, the insurer must reimburse the insured, within thirty days of the effective date of cancellation, the part of the premium corresponding to the period during which the risk did not accrue, calculated from the said effective date. Failing reimbursement under these conditions, the sums due shall bear interest at the legal rate.