A person who, in a public or private institution or organisation providing preventive care or housing for the elderly, carries out a professional activity that exposes him or her or the persons for whom he or she is responsible to risks of contamination must be immunised against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza.
People working in medical laboratories must be immunised against typhoid fever.
A decree issued by the Ministers of Health and Labour, after consultation with the Haute Autorité de Santé, determines the categories of establishments and organisations concerned.
Any pupil or student of an establishment preparing for the practice of the medical professions and other health professions, the list of which is determined by order of the Minister responsible for health, who is required to spend part of his or her studies in a public or private preventive or care establishment or organisation, must be immunised against the diseases mentioned in the first paragraph of this article.
The employing establishments or organisations or, in the case of pupils and students, the establishments which have received their enrolment, shall bear the cost of these vaccinations.
The conditions for the immunisation provided for in this article are laid down by order of the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the French National Authority for Health and taking particular account of medical contraindications.